#EroArmy Promotion System - the biggest social media movement from Erotic Industry "Starting EroAward was a great journey, from our beginings in 2015-2016. In 2017, in less than 2 years, we managed to become the #MostVotedAward in Adult Entertainment, with over 1.300.000 votes, and we're glad to see that after us, also other awards started to anounce over 1 million votes. ;) But it was right after 2017 edition that we had the biggest surprise & achievement: When we created EroAward, we imagined that our relationship with the Industry/nominees will be bi-directional: we promote their nominations at EroAward, and they also. But then something totally different happened, when our bi-directional relationship went completely VIRAL by evolving to a multi-directional and much more complex one, as all the people who were joining us directly or indirectly, they were promoting each other, so EroAward became a "One for All" and "All for One" group, all supporting each other, the same like an army. That way, #EroArmy became a huge movement on all social media, and as we are the only award running all year, we are probably the biggest and best promotion system for all those involved in adult/erotica or just entertainment, especially because our evolution was natural, so no fake traffic or big amounts of money paid to influence things: the more than 500.000 professionals, influencers, cam models, porn stars, promoters, companies and fans, simply LOVE to be part of our #EroArmy!" (Sat
- CEO of EroAward)
Please, read this page in full, and our Votes Bonus system, to understand what is EroAward, what it brings new and how it can support or entertain you.
EroAward was created to promote the Erotic Industry (which sometimes we prefer to call it "Beauty Industry", but not to be confused with the cosmetics one! :) as a whole: companies, sites, studios, producers, traffic, payments, professionals, webmasters, affiliates, etc. and especially the Stars (Sexy Influencers, Porn Stars & CamModels), Promoters and even Fans. #Power2TheStars #StarsFirst #Respect4Promoters #FansAward More than half of our voting categories are dedicated to Stars, and as we said, the main things are not the trophies, the gala or the winners. They are also important, but what comes first is that EroAward wants to offer to models THE MOST COMPLEX & POWERFUL TOOLS for 24/7 Promotion, 365 days per year (getting new fans, more paying customers, more followers on the social media, that will finally reflect on increased branding, brand recognition & the most important -> MORE MONEY FOR THE STARS, more fun and options for Fans, and alternative for networking & new businesses for the Promoters). Viral promotion through global social campaigns: We make Adult Industry look better! We are open to work with any models (women, men, transgenders, couples) or influencers, but the main rule and the 2 conditions are: The more professional you are (including your social media activity, pictures, videos) and the more you promote your nomination at EroAward, the more we promote you and your nominations. About professionalism we watch: the quality of pictures used for promotion (Some models have bad quality pictures, unclear, with the body cut, etc.), quality of streaming for CamModels, how complete are the profiles in their social media or livecams accounts, the schedule that the model has, the English level, the communication skills, physical qualities, sense of humour, creativity, artistic skills, social networks abilities, number of followers, the capacity of becoming viral, because we want to create our #ViralAdultSquad - a team of sexy-fun-creative models & (sexy) influencers to launch viral campaigns like Ice Bucket Challenge, but smarter, funnier, sexier, more educative and with larger social impact. Our philosophy for becoming viral is #EduTittyTainment, which mixes Educational messages that brings value to the society, with provocative-sexy ones (Tits) and who are also Entertaining. One of our campaigns that we started is #OpenYourBook #CultureIsSexy, which supports Culture and redefines Beauty. Before this, we had another one similar, #Donate2Wiki - Donate to Wikipedia!, to try to help fundsraising the amazing online enciclopedia, the symbol of FREE access to knowledge and education. Some professionals complain that many outsiders are attacking sex workers and our industry "for the image that we give". But how others see us, depends also on us and can be always and limitless improved. In fact, there are many companies and professionals, who through their success, behaviour, business ethics and even social involvement, have managed to earn great respect and sympathy from large parts of the society, making adult every day more tolerated, and we're very happy to join forces with all of those who want and can make the erotic industry look more positive! (Meanwhile, we do have to admit that there are also a significant number of professionals and companies whom indeed offer a very bad image with what they do...But that's not because they're in the "Bad Industry"!)
The "Open your book" customers have more money than the "Open your mind" ones With our campaigns we also try to seduce a more educated consumers target, which obviously, have a bigger economic power...and with the explosion of fetish niches it looks clearer than ever that the most important sexual organ is the brain. So, the models who also open books beside minds & legs, have much greater chances to increase and diversify their business revenues. Promotion-with-award-nomination: Awards are fu*kin' VIRAL!!!Promotion-with-award-nomination: Awards are fu*kin' VIRAL!!! (Admiration, Envy, Anger & Everybody wants an award!) The main founder of EroAward, is a professional with many years of experience, seminars, experts panels and articles on industry magazines and forums about "(Adult) Stars promotion on Internet & viral marketing". And after so many years, he came to the conclusion that THE BEST Promotion is through Virals & Awards. Actually, the awards with the voting/nomination process, they are also viral by definition. We took some steps further to increase the virality, we created #EroAwardArmy and starting with EroAward 2019 we came with the most original, largest and diverse categories for nominations, that best represents the multiple sides and complexity of erotic industry, in order to catch and maintain the viewers' attention, but also to provoke, to make people "stop & think", and including we made them envy us or the nominees/winners (or even furious! ;) ). Of course, our intentions from the beginings were to attract and create the most friendly feelings & attitudes, but since we anounced the awards in 2015, we've seen that a lot of people, including some of our ex-friends, started to heavily envy us, or the nominees, the winners...and to massively gossip about the awards: - "Who are these shit guys that they think they can organise and offer awards? Only A, B & C guys/companies can do it!" - "This award is worthless compared with the X or A awards!" - "Why is that ugly camgirl/pornstar nominated? I am more beautiful and make more money!" - "Why is that professional a nominee? I have more years in the biz!" - "How can be that company nominated? We are richer and more famous!" - "I have more followers in the social media. So I should win!" - "Why those sponsors won? Is not corect!" - etc - and one of our favorite: "These awards worth nothing!", said by people who secretly would kill to also get any award or at least a nomination...and who passionately watch and envy everybody who wins one. But all these "positives & negatives" increased much more than we imagined the every marketer's dream - "word of mouth" promotion, which even before and after the birth of Internet, was and still is the most powerful advertising! Being nominated at an(y) award = "industry and public RECOGNITION"! Which social media post do you think that attracts more attention and give birth to more "drama": 1) Go visit SexyMary's site, she has amazing boobs. or 2) SexyMary is nominated as 79 Best Blonde #BigBoobs 93 Greatest #Bitch at EroAward.com 2020 - the #MostVotedAward in Adult Industry! #EroAward #EroArmy Please, vote for her! ? We definitely believe that the second post (tweet, instapost, face post, youtube or porn tube nomination video) has a much greater impact which gives a huge advantage to any EroAward nominee, in an internet market that is everyday more crowded with stars & companies, and catching attention is everyday more difficult and more expensive!!! (Note: if you are on sites like instagram or facebook who don't allow adult, don't use adult words like boobs, pussy, bitch. Or at least try b**bs, pu**y, d*ck, etc. Use these nominees categories on adult friendly sites like twitter, porn tubes or adult social network. Luckily, we also have many non-adult categories like Sexiest Model, Supreme Goddess, Top Glamour Model, Greatest Diva, etc.) Why the nominations posts have much bigger results? Simply because "being nominated at an award" equals "industry and public RECOGNITION" of your physical and professional qualities! You are "validated", confirmed, approved to compete in a category or more and potentially MILLIONS of people are voting for you and show their support! Of course, we can endlessly argue which awards are more or less important than others, but the average fan or even professional, haven't big knowledge about the awards in any industry (How many they are? Which are bigger or better, and in what aspects? Which has more votes internationally? Who has more participants at their Galas? etc). Luckily, at EroAward we've always tried to diferentiate us from the rest, which almost all go by "the first", "the biggest", "the best", etc. and we positioned ourselves as an award focused on Stars (#ModelsFirst), based on the massive voting as we run almost all year (#MostVotedAward), searching mainly for the Fans votes (#FansAward) and heavily including and recognizing the amazing work that the Promoters, amateurs or professionals (affiliates, webmasters, etc) do (#Respect4Promoters and the Promoters market & Services for Stars). Badges for Nominees at #EroAward2023 and Winners 2016-2023 Right click with your mouse on the image and Save As in your computer. Edit with the category or categories that you want. Use Segoe Print to write. If you need help to create it, we can help you. You can paste the badge on your pictures, backgrounds or use it as avatars and show it all over your social media. ![]() (Download big logo Nominee or Nominee 2023 if you want to print a tshirt. It is not obligatory, but we give Votes Bonus (extra votes) to nominees who sent us pictures or videos with EroAward tshirt. Printing one in a local store, might cost you around 3-5$.) Example of edited badge: ![]() Badges for Winners 2016 - 2023 (download big logo Winner or Winner by Year, bellow, if you want to print a tshirt)
How to join #EroArmy Anybody is welcome to join, as long as they ask in at least one social media, in at least one of the top parts, to be voted at EroAward - Vote for me at EroAward.com! The message has to be big & clear enough, if not, the nominee or that social media, will be eliminated from our promotion. The top parts of a social media account are: - Background. Some social media have background (twitter, facebook page/profile/group, some tumblr/wordpress templates, some porn tubes like pornhub, etc), and some haven't (like instagram). Please use our #EroAwardBackground from bellow or you can personalise one. - Avatar. Almost any social media has it, including some very used (chat) apps like whatsapp, viber, etc. Please use our #EroAwardAvatar from bellow or personalise one. - Description. - Site tab Almost all the social media have a box where you can add your site address. If you have one, use it, but if you are a promoter or a fan, who hasn't a site, would be higly appreciated if you can put http://www.EroAward.com and to help us spread the word about our services. - Pinned post. Some social media have a pinned post: twitter, facebook page & group. You can include at the end of the pinned tweet your "Vote for me at EroAward.com!" and the categories, like this: Visit my sites: site1.com site2.com site3.com . . Vote for me / or Vote @ModelsName Nr1 Category Nr2 Category Nr3 Category Nr4 Category Nr5 Category Nr6 Category Nr7 Category Nr8 Category at EroAward.com #EroAward2021 #EroAward #EroAwardArmy #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3... @promoter1 @promoter2 @promoter3.... or, if you haven't enough space, you can use a service like ItsMyUrls.com to group all your sites and social media, if they are too many: Visit my sites https://itsmyurls.com/YourName Vote for me / or Vote @ModelsName Nr1 Category Nr2 Category Nr3 Category Nr4 Category Nr5 Category Nr6 Category Nr7 Category Nr8 Category at EroAward.com #EroAward2021 #EroAward #EroArmy #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3.... @promoter1 @promoter2 @promoter3... You can also add in your sites agregator like https://ItsMyUrls.com: - your EroShop / Stars.EroAward.com link, with the text "Vote for me at EroAward.com!"; - if you haven't, add the link https://EroAward.com with the text "Vote for me at EroAward.com!". - your FREE profile in Net4SW.com - the NETwork for Sex Workers & SWingers, that you can add to your twitter account, to automatically post your tweets also on Net4sw, so that you won't lose your content or followers if twitter bans you! The best post/tweet format to ask for votes When asking for votes, even if you are an influencer/star/model/professional/company or a fan/promoter asking votes for somebody else, the best format is this: Vote for me / or Vote for @StarName/@CompanyName/@ProfessionalName Nr1 Category Nr2 Category Nr3 Category Nr4 Category Nr5 Category Nr6 Category Nr7 Category Nr8 Category at EroAward.com @EroAwardBTC #EroAward2021 #EroAward #EroAwardArmy #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3... @promoter1 @promoter2 @promoter3... As you can see, the free lines are very important and the way we group the information, to make the post/tweet easy & quickly to Read, Understand and to get Clicks on the links. Also, this format makes the post/tweet "bigger", so when people scroll the social media, it increases the probability to be seen, read & the most important: the link(s) CLICKED! Unfortunately, many people post/tweet like this: Vote for me Nr1 Category Nr2 Category Nr3 Category Nr4 Category Nr5 Category Nr6 Category Nr7 Category Nr8 Category at EroAward.com 2020 #EroAwardArmy #hashtag1 #hashtag2 #hashtag3 @promoter1 @promoter2 @promoter3 What do you understand???????? What do you click??? NOTHING!!!
The benefits of being in #EroArmy - the promotion-with-award-nomination is the BEST promotion!!!!!!!!!!!! - promotion on the site (Models, Promoters, Companies & profesionals, Goddesses); - helping (new) models & promoters to network, help each other and do business; - we assist you with advices on how to improve your social media skills and promotion impact; - we add you to 5 Twitter Groups for Retweets to beat the shadowban, as on twitter, the MAJORITY of the adult accounts are shadowbanned! - you get more votes; - the Bonus Votes system (if you promote your nominations, you get extra votes than those who don't); - being in the Finalists & Winners lists, which will remain on the site forever (if you get enough votes) and are great promotion tools! Instagram #EroArmy We repost your Instagram nomination or #PlayWithYourTrophy Make a post on your instagram asking your fans to vote you at EroAward.com and mention our instagram @EroAward. We will repost you with your tag, text and instagram name on the picture. We can do this only if your instagram is public. We don't recommend private instagrams/twitter/facebook, as beside our impossibility to repost you, the private accounts attract much less new customers (followers and interactions like comments, likes, reposts, etc). Or, if you are a winner, make a #PlayWithYourTrophy post and we repost it. All our instagram posts & reposts, automatically go to our main social media accounts (twitter, face, tumblr, pinterest, etc).
Note: If you install a repost instagram app, NEVER put your password if they ask it. Also learn about phishing and how hackers or haters are stealing stars' accounts. Learn how to best protect your accounts and business. We add your Instagram story to our story The same as above: each time you ask for votes orThe same as above: each time you ask for votes or #PlayWithYourTrophy in your Instagram story, we add it to our story which automatically goes also to our facebook page story!
Twitter #EroArmy 1. Basics about twitter promo No nudity on avatar or background Twitter is probably the most used marketing tool for adult stars and is considered "adult friendly", although to be more exact: they tolerate adult. So, although in your tweets you can add explicit texts, pictures or videos, it is totally forbidden to use adult pictures in the avatar or background. Why? The explanation is simple: although your account is rated as Adult, which we recommend you to do from your settings, and there is a warning message for any visitor before accessing the tweets, the avatar and background are always visible. That's why, in order to protect especially the children, the nudity in avatar and background are not allowed. Some models make the mistake of using adult pictures covering their genitals with photoshop (blur, cut, cover), hands or hidding them by posing from safe angles. Our recommendation is: never use nacked or explicit pictures for avatar or background. You may use sexy pictures, but at least a tiny underwear that cover the genitals. Make high impact tweets like above, expanding your tweets on the vertical, not on horizontal. More places to promote your sites & EroAward nomination: Name & Location Twitter has 2 more boxes on the top side where you can add text, promote your sites or your EroAward nomination or anounce the awards you won, as you can see in the pictures below:
Multiply your results: From Instagram to Facebook page, Tumblr and Twitter From Instagram, you can set it to automatically post your pictures also on your facebook page or profile, tumblr blog and twitter account, the same we do at EroAward:
Don't cross the twitter limits Read about twitter limits and comply. Shadowban & Twitter Groups for Retweets "Shadow banning is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned. For instance, shadow banned comments posted to a blog or media site will not be visible to other persons accessing that site from their computers." Many adult experts on twitter promo believe that the majority of the adult accounts on twitter are shadowbanned, which also explains the reduced number of retweets on many accounts with large number of followers. In order to solve this problem, the #EroAwardArmy created over 800 twitter Groups with over 40.000 stars, promoters, fans and companies, and everybody who join #EroAwardArmy Promotion System, will be automatically added also to minimum 5 groups for retweets. Rules for the #EroAwardArmy Groups for retweets:: - drop as many tweets as you want to receive retweets; - be friendly and network with the promoters & fans or other models or companies, to receive support with retweets; - it is not obligatory to follow or retweet anybody. So, follow/retweet only if/who you want. - Respect! Don't scream at others and don't put any pressure on anybody. If you have complaints or suggestions, please contact EroAward. - Don't block anybody in the group! If somebody treats you bad, please report it to us. - Don't promote other awards beside EroAward, in our #EroAwardArmy groups or social media! - You can leave the groups whenever you want. Who doesn't respect our rules, first we issue a warning and the ones who repeat will be eliminated from our groups or even from our promotion system or EroAward nominations. #TeamOfTeams As we promised, inside of #EroAwardArmy, we work to create the Biggest Team of Promoters on the planet, and we can do this by joining forces with all the individual promoters and all the teams interested to grow together. You are a fan helping cammodels or pornstars with promo, as a hobby? You are a professional promoter or want to learn how to do it? Are you part of a team or own a team? An affiliate or webmaster? A blogger or a forum owner? JOIN US! Together, we’re much more than the sum of each! We will list here all the promoters who joined us, with all their sites and social media. Promoters market & services for Models We launched the Promoters Market & Services for Models, where the promoters (& fans) can SELL DIRECTLY their services to the models & studios who are interested (prmotion, banners design, websites building, cam moderators, etc), so make sure to register if you are interested! Twitter promoters Lists for Girls, Boys and Trans (Models & Promoters, follow and copy/paste these promoters in your tweets, or tag them in your photos/videos, to get many retweets & tweets. It is FREE advertising!) Retweets for tweets with #EroAwardArmy hashtag and EroAward Avatar Another easy way for the Promoters from EroAwardArmy to find tweets for retweets, is to search on twitter for the tweets that include hashtag #EroAwardArmy in visible place and to retweet those who also have an EroAward Avatar, something like this:
The tweets who only have #EroAwardArmy hashtag and no EroAward Avatar, nor "Vote for me at EroAward!" on the top part, will not get retweets in our promotion system. The Bonus Votes The Bonus Votes are suplimentary votes that we offer for the nominees, beside the ones received from the voters, to reward those who are supporting more our EroArmy. Example: Let's say that 2 nominees received the same amount of votes in one category. So, who should win the trophy? In this case, we watch also who supported more our EroAwardArmy and that helps us to make the difference: Did one of the two make also some picture with our EroAward tshirt? Or a funny/sexy/explicit video to ask his/her/their fans for votes, or to thank for the votes if was a winner? EroAward Tshirts It is not obligatory, but you can print yourself our tshirt for around 2-5 $ / tshirt, by downloading our logos (If possible, print it on both sides, front and back, so you can make pictures also from behind). The pictures have to be clear, full body, half horizontal and half vertical, 5-7 from face and 3-5 from behind, different positions. Be creative! PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT IN EACH PICTURE EROAWARD LOGO CAN BE CLEARLY SEEN, AS WELL AS THE TEXT! Don't cover the logo. The pictures where EroAward logo and the texts can't be distinguished, are "only some pictures in a tshirt". They are NOT pictures / videos WITH the EroAward tshirt! ;) If you want to participate at "Best #OpenYourBook Model" category, we need 10-15 quality pictures with EroAward tshirt and a BOOK in your hands, or near a library, as we will use these pictures for our "#OpenYourBook #CultureIsSexy" global campaign, where we try to support Culture and to Redefine Beauty. The pictures have to be Sexy (no nudity), so we can promote them on ALL social media. If you want to make also naked or explicit, send 10-15 pictures more that we can promote on Twitter and Adult Networks. Examples of Sexy pictures with EroAward tshirt:
Examples of pictures with Nudity or Explicit and EroAward tshirt:
Avatars For twitter, facebook profiles or pages, instagram, adult social networks, camsite profile. 845 X 916 pixels. Make sure that you center well the image inside of your avatar and that you catch your image and also our EroAward logo, as well as "Vote me at EroAward!". Note: We know the correct form is "Vote for me!", but we use "Vote me" where we have little space, like in a cam profile or twitter description, or we try to make the message visible on small areas, like an avatar.
(Right click mouse and "Save as..." to save it in your computer, open it with Photoshop/Paint or other image editor, then Copy & Paste 1 of your pictures on the left. DON'T use naked pictures for twitter/facebook/instagram Avatars, as they don't allow nudity in avatars or background! You can use nudity in avatars or background only on adult social media like the porn tubes. Preferible to use a picture made on a white background, to better distinguish your body, and a vertical one to better fit in the avatar.)
Backgrounds (for twitter, facebook profiles or pages, instagram, adult social networks)s)
As a background, you can also use one of your pictures, where you can add "Vote for me at EroAward.com!", or even the category/categories where you want to be voted. Example: "Vote for me Sexiest Model at www.EroAward.com!". Or, you can paste one of our badges on your background. If you want a more open background, you can use these ones:
Example of personalised backgrounds:
When you design a background for Twitter, make sure it is 933 X 312 pixels if you want to look good when you upload it. If you want a special background or badge, with a different message/design, please let us know to see if we can help. Promotion for Winners While at the other awards, everything ends with a winners' names list on a hidden and forgotten site page, at EroAward we are interested in long term partnerships with the winners and nominees, so our promotion never ends! Beside our pages dedicated to Winners & Finalists, that we will soon structure to help them shine brighter, we offer the #PlayWithYourTrophy viral game. #PlayWithYourTrophy #JuegaConTuTrofeo #JoacateCuTrofeul At the heart of EroAward creation and development it was always the main question:
Many stars, professionals or companies think that after you win an award, that chapter comes to an end, or should end. Some do it because they have little marketing knowledges (Actually, there is very little advertising literature about How to use the Awards in or outside adult industry!), or feel "disappointed" because winning the award didn't make them millionaires over night or few months of nomination...or they get advises from "well intentioned" professionals about why EroAward is not good, while (surprisingly) recommending them other awards "that are better". (Surprisingly or not, many of these advisors, are paid to recommend people to those awards or ask money themselves to help getting an award, but these are other stories...) So, you won an award? Don't let it dust in a closet! PUT IT TO WORK: Let everybody know in all your sites, camsites, clipstores, social media that you won! Make pictures with your trophy and video thanking your fans for the votes! Stream on your cams with your trophy in the background! Make a porn/sexy/funny video with your trophy and explain, make it clear WHY you won "Best pussy" or "Best oral", and upload it on the biggest porn tubes and send it also to us to upload it on our media and share it! Make a part 1 Free and a part 2 Paid, in your paid clipstore or membership sites! Play, PLay PLAy, PLAY! Dance, joke, play, sing, fool around, scream your victory, ENTERTAIN! You are in the Show Business, so make sure you SHOW everything you have that makes you a weapon of mass seduction! No, your fans won't get bored: They ADORE to see that you are a Winner and will be me more than happy to help you share the news with the Universe that you are a Winner!!! And EVERYBODY LOVES WINNERS, including your haters! :) And what better way to tease haters-losers than with an award?...:D It's amazing how many people don't know how to or feel shy about celebrating their victories...:) We are always impressed with the explosion of joy and positive energy that comes from Queen's "We are the Champions". Only by hearing or watching them, you believe them that they were, are and always will be CHAMPIONS! And even yourself and everybody feel like a champion just by listening a song...So, why not, when winning an Award???? No, that's not bragging...That's you defining yourself and making it clear how you want to be seen! Of course an award can't replace the hard work, sacrifice & passion you give, before or after getting a trophy...But is a suplimentary and powerful tool that you have it in your arsenal, so make sure you squeeze all the juice out of everything you have, including an award! And, believe it or not, even if your pet looks cute or your meal of the day seems yummy, and your fans love it...a picture or video Playing With Your Trophy have ALWAYS A BIGGER IMPACT over your brand & bank account. We know you may find it surprising, but few other billions of people actually own pets, and almost all get some food on the table, while only 0,0000000000000001% ever received an award or at least a nomination...You were always special and actually our award makes you even more unique!!! Last, but not least: The Value of an award, is also given by the value that any winner decides to offer it. Is not only what the organisers of the award managed to package in that trophy or what the others participants (voters, nominees, winners, sponsors) have contributed...In the end, is up to YOU if from that 1$ you decide to build an empire and a legend, or to go spend it on a beer because "1$ is worthless anyway"! So, #PlayWithYourTrophy in a picture or video, hashtag #PlayWithYourTrophy #JuegaConTuTrofeo #JoacateCuTrofeul #EroAward, tag our social media accounts, and we will share, retweet, repost or add your story to our story. The winners...take it all! https://twitter.com/hashtag/PlayWithYourTrophy?src=hash https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/playwithyourtrophy https://www.pinterest.es/pin/613263674244964706/ Love EroAward or hate it? Never forget, that any vote, nomination or winner at any adult industry award, is a new VICTORY for ALL our Industry! Premium Promotion 1. Mini-sponsorship package for Stars 300 € Amount: 30 Reserved: 14 Available: 16 By #WhereModelsDoBusiness we encourage the models to think and behave as companies, including when it comes about their promotion. If you watch the serious companies at adult industry events, they don't come for the free drinks, meals & free parties: they come to learn, network and promote themselves = to make money. We consider that Marketing is extremelly important for the Professional Stars and it has to include the one made at the events. At any event, there are lots of pictures and videos made, but the effect is ZERO if you will be in pics and clips where there is not also your Brand: Name, Site(s) and Social media. The most elegant way to have a GREAT impact at an event: have a banner or even some extra promotional materials! So, for 300€, any model can bring as promo materials at CamSum & EroAward, 1 rollup banner of 1mX2m, fliers, tshirts and gifts (lighters, pencils, etc.) If a star isn't able to come to our events, he/she can send us the banner or/and the materials to be exposed/offered during our events. For 50 € extra, we can create & print the rollup banner and keep it here for our future events. All the promotional materials should be only about that model, so nothing promoting any company (Example: The model can have fliers with her links to her camsites/clipstores, but not a flier promoting mainly a company with a small picture of the model, or any companies logos. Companies are invited to access the above packages). Before printing your banner or other gifts, please send us the images that you will use, to aprove them, as well as all the materials that you want to bring.
2. Tube MegaStar We're working hard to launch soon our most powerful tool for models: a promotion product on over 50 of the biggest tube sites (like xVideos). Register to vote if you want to be informed when we launch it and follow us on our social media. |